Saturday, July 17, 2021

祝120周年記念 Happy 120th Anniversary!




In 2021, Nanka Kumamoto Kenjinkai celebrates the 120TH Anniversary!

We have been in a state of uncertainty due to the prevalence of COVID19 since last year. When the situation becomes safer, we would like to hold a special celebration and invite  all members and families to share this big milestone for our history. We hope to see all of you there!!



Nanka Kumamoto Kenjinkai received the donation of $1500 from the distribution(January-April 2021) of the video of Mikaela Kai Flamenco's charity online flamenco show recently. We added the rest of the donation from the last year's fundraiser to this donation, we were able to send a total of $2500 to the volunteer group in Japan, and our donation was used to host the one year memorial event in Konose, which was one of the disaster affected areas. Thank you once again for your support!!
Nanka Kumamoto Kenjinkai 

(写真は当日被災地で飾られたポスター Supporters' Posters were placed on wall at the Memorial event site)

Friday, January 8, 2021



2020年3月のパンデミックからよりコロナウィルスが猛威を奮い、先の見えない状況が続いております。当県人会も昨年は恒例行事の新年会とピクニックを中止しました。熊本県人会は本年で120周年を迎え、現在の状況が収まりましたら記念祝賀会を開催し、皆様と喜びを分かち合う計画をすすめています。その際は、県人会としての歴史的な行事に多くの皆様がご参加いただけることを願っています。みなさまの健康と安全な生活を願いつつ、素晴らしい一年を過ごされますようお祈りしています。 今年もよろしくお願いします。

Happy New Year!

We have been in a state of uncertainty due to the prevalence of COVID19 since Spring of 2020.

Kumamoto Kenjinkai ended up canceling our New Year party and annual summer picnic. This year, in 2021, Kumamoto Kenjinkai will celebrate our 120th anniversary. When the situation becomes safer, we would like to hold a special celebration and invite all members and families to share this big milestone for our history. We hope to see all of you there!  

Nanka Kumamoto Kenjinkai hopes 2021 brings everyone good health, happiness, safety, and will be a prosperous year!!

Donation used for sponsoring Hitoyoshi Fall Festival, Konose Festival and Sashiki Elementary school

人吉秋祭り Fall Festival in Hitoyoshi

神瀬運動会 KONOSE FESTIVAL ON 11/24/2019

佐敷小学校に寄付された7点のテント 7 Popup tents were donated by Kumamoto Kenjinkai

芦北町立佐敷小学校 教頭 林 浩也

Hitoyoshi and Kuma districts had experienced extreme heavy rain which occurred on July 3rd. It brought over 70 deaths and the victims have been forced to live with this hardship, along with slow recovery due to
COVID19 and the lack of volunteers. Kumamoto Kenjinkai started the heavy rain aide fundraiser from July 13 and we collected the donation of $13,000(as of 12/1). This donation was sent to the volunteers in Japan and we were able to host the Fall Festival in Hitoyoshi on September 19th and Konose Festival in Konose on October 24.

Aside from supporting two events, we offered to aid Sashiki Elementary, located in one of the heavily impacted areas. The school building had flooded and they lost all tents for their sports event. We gifted 7 large tents to the school. A thank you letter was sent to Kumamoto Kenjinkai to let us know they are very happy to receive
their new sports equipment for the future activities of school and it was deeply appreciated by teachers and students. We continue to accept donations. Thank you for your support and love!

Video on demand Charity Flamenco show for Kumamoto Recovery  

プロのアーティストの華麗なパフォーマンスを自宅で満喫しながら支援! 沖田会長の闘牛士舞踊は必見

Support Kumamoto at home while enjoying gorgeous performances by flamenco artists.  Don't miss Mr. Okita's bullfighter dance! 



安藤副会長が主宰するミカエラカイフラメンコ教室は2016年以来、舞踊活動を通した災害支援活動プロジェクトFLAMENCO POR UN MUNDO MEJOR(Flamenco for a better world-フラメンコをより良い世界のために)を行っています。(リサイタルの収益寄付などこれまで本プロジェクトか9000ドルが被災地に送金沖田会長もプロジェクトに賛同され、4年前から靴を購入してフラメンコ修行を開始。今回の動画では闘牛士ケープを使ったパソドブレというダンスを熱く披露されています。また特別ゲストにバルセロナ出身の生粋アーティストのパコ&ヨランダアローヨが出演し本格的フラメンコ舞踊・歌・演奏を堪能でき、ミカエラカイフラメンコのダンサー5人が参加しています当ビデオ配信による集められるドネーションは全額熊本復興支援として被災地に送られます。会員のみなさまの応援をよろしくお願いします


Let's move forward to the 120TH Anniversary!!